Emergency ready plan
4/13/2022 (Permalink)
Did you know that 50% of the companies that close due to a disaster never reopen again? The majority of the ones that reopen had a response plan but do you have yours? Our ERP (emergency-ready plan) app offers information on how to handle every situation, minimizing the damage and the time your business would be inoperative. This plan contains what to do, how to do it, who to call, and what to expect, as long as information on shut-off valve locations, insurance contact information, priority areas and contacts, and photos of each utility location as a visual aide for quick reference. Currently, 95% of these situations are internal or man-made as fire and flooding. Many buildings have emergency contingency plans (incident response, disaster recovery, and business continuity). Still, they keep it in a folder and don't have the time to look at it during an emergency, but at SERVPRO of southwest Irving, we are " Ready for whatever happens."